Conflict of Interest Policy

Northcrypto has assessed the situations in which a conflict of interest may arise in relation to its activities. Northcrypto seeks to identify conflicts of interest in advance, in particular through awareness-raising. Northcrypto ensures that all staff are familiarised with its conflict of interest policy so that they understand their responsibilities and are better able to respond to potential conflicts of interest. Northcrypto staff should report all conflicts of interest in accordance with the conflict of interest policy.

Northcrypto will ensure that separate supervisors supervise individuals working on activities that may conflict with each other to avoid biased decisions. Northcrypto also ensures that employees, managers or board members with conflicting responsibilities do not perform tasks in both roles at the same time. These roles are allocated separately to maintain fairness and impartiality. In addition, Northcrypto prevents outsiders with roles outside the company (e.g. board members working for other companies) from influencing decisions in a way that could create a conflict of interest.

Northcrypto provides clear training and easy-to-follow guidelines for staff so that everyone understands what a conflict of interest is, how to identify it and what to do about it. Northcrypto requires all individuals with a conflict of interest to recuse themselves from any decision-making related to the conflict. For example, if a board member has a personal interest in a decision, they should not vote on it.